Temple Grandin

Until recently, I had never heard of Dr. Temple Grandin, but a friend and colleague who had seen the HBO movie about her encouraged me to see it.  I was intrigued by the idea of the person who thinks in pictures and was credited with revolutionizing an entire industry with her ingenious designs.  I also had met some students over the years that had high-functioning autism or Aspergers that had taken one or more of my technology education classes.  At that time, I didn’t understand why the child study team and parents and students felt like my classes would be a good fit.

Dr. Grandin’s most well-known technological achievement is the ingenious design of sweeping curving corrals for animals being moved to slaughter.  Above all this design demonstrates her understanding of ethics and social responsibility, which is important for all young people to understand.  The design also demonstrates a high understanding of technological systems and how their component parts interact.

Dr. Grandin also understands her own strengths and challenges.  In light of her autism, she needed to learn how to communicate the great ideas that she was easily able to visualize (see her book Thinking In Pictures).  Actually drawing her ideas was something that she needed to work hard to learn and develop.  Further, as she was challenged to communicate verbally, she needed to learn how to sell and pitch her ideas in drawings much more than words.

I really appreciate what Dr. Grandin has to say in her TED talk about how we are losing the importance of hands on courses in our schools.  My feeling is that the pendulum has swung way too far in favor of traditional education and associated standardized testing that was designed for the turn of the 20th Century.

Our students can learn a lot from the ingenuity of Dr. Grandin and we need to work on developing the understandings she has of systems, ethics, and communication in our young people.  The movie is appropriate for a high school audience and our future teachers can take a lot from reading and viewing her materials.


Think Like a Kindergartner

One of the keys to developing one’s ingenuity is to give your mind the opportunity to think creatively and invoke the good ole’ KISS (Keep It Simple Stupid) concept, or just think like a kindergartner.

The other day I took my five-year-old son over to basketball practice, which happens to take place at the school he goes to every day.  This is always a big event for the family and we usually take two cars just for comfort’s sake as we now have three children.  As we were leaving the building and headed toward our car I started wondering about my son’s sense of direction. Had he developed it yet? How far could he get in his thinking this way? Could he direct me which way to drive and turn in order to get us all the way home (which is maybe a half-mile or so with just a few turns)? Does he know “the best way” to get home? Could he possibly know alternative ways to get home?

So, after we got ourselves and our things packed into the car and ready to go, I turned on the car and decided to ask him, “Can you tell me how to get home from here?” I just love the answer I got back.  He said, “Yea! You see that car right over there? That’s Mommy. Follow her.”

As we’ve fallen in our society toward schooling our children rather than educating them, we kill their creativity, as Sir Ken Robinson points out so nicely in this TED talk. As my friend, author, informal educator, and former engineer, Harry Roman says, “we tend to cure curiosity of our children” rather than giving them experiences that are designed to encourage and develop it.  Though we’d like to think schools have overcome this, especially high schools, they have not.  Yes, it is true that schools and instructional practices are still so much like they always have been and are probably not too far from what you may remember.

Creative thinking is one of the cornerstones and keys to ingenuity and it takes time and experience to make sure our kids either don’t lose it in the first place or help them get it back.  To do this we have to provide coursework and experiences and activities to our kids that make sense and that is designed to develop creativity and ingenuity.

What are some other examples of being able to think like a kindergartner? What are some ways to teach older children to keep thinking like a kindergartner? What types of activities are best for developing creative thinking?

